Welcome to our First MC Newsletter
The MC Newsletter is our internal tool to summarize the relevant tasks, events and more that we have done and we will do in the near future.
You will find extend info about all our action in the website very soon, but now you can participate and stay tune of the most relevant and “should know” events in this Volume. Welcome to our first ever MC newsletter!


In the last week of January, we have the opportunity to share a 2-day meeting at the Economics Science faculty of Malaga University in Spain.
We had a session dedicated to debate and improve our Internal Rules & Procedures Guide. All of us shared oppinions about the guide and improve the draft version that the Core group had prepared.
Later, the Working groups started their assigned tasks and defined the next steps to complete the deliverables for the next month. We had the visit of some experts to enrich both groups work.
You will find more info about this meeting on the website very soon.
Next Meeting: Brussels

This week, on March 12th and 13th, we will have our next Meeting in Brussels.
This meeting is focused on month 12 deliverables (dedicated only to WG1 editorial and monitoring team of WG1 and WG2 members involved in the manual of intervention best-practices classification).
We will send you a summary as soon as we finish our meeting.
Help to disseminate our Action in Social Networks
We have created an Official profile in most of the Social Networks and we are publishing information about our activities and details of researchs, conference and more.
To help to disseminate the action we need that you visit this social networks and follow this new profiles. And then please, share the content, not only “like” them, to boost the effect of dissemination.
WGP – Working Groups Picture
Which are the WG current tasks and next actions
In this section you will find information about the current tasks of our working groups and what are the next actions we will have to develop.
We have finished the Methodological manual to guide the Editorial and Monitoring Team to implement the methodological procedures in order to develop the Month 12 deliverable of the project. The deliverable 1 for the month 12 are NATIONAL REPORTS and TRANSNATIONAL COMPARISON.
Currently, we are planning detailed content of the National Reports (approx. 10 – 12 reports) and Transnational Comparison (approx. 100 pages). We are discussing the conceptual framework, topics and dimensions, data and methodology to be included in National Reports. These reports are going to take to consideration also different type of audiences (Youth workers, Researchers, Policy makers and Youth). Therefore we are planning to prepare and issue a short version of the reports with direct and short information, appealing language and visually interesting for youth.
We have already prepared the agenda and the methodology for preparing deliverables for the Action month 12 of the project. The deliverable for the month 12 is a manual for the classification of intervention best-practices with rural NEETs.
We are working in the map of the current situation regarding intervention best-practices with rural NEETs. We have also discussed the content and structure of the manual for the classification of intervention best practices with rural NEETs. We are planning to plan the structure and working process to develop the manual.
The manual will have as target audience academia, professionals, institutions (EU&national level), policy makers, civil and religious groups, European associations and youth associations.
Remember: complete this task of the Action
We remind you the current task to be complete
Remember we have a first task to complete, about the “Manual of norms and procedures”. You can download and read it and then write any suggestion in the forum.
Click here to enter to the discussion:
– Next Meetings: we will meet in Prague in July; and in Lisbon in September. We will send you more info when the dates approach.

– Recommended conferences and events:

We give a warm welcome to our new members:
  • Mr. Predrag Trpeski (Republic of North Macedonia)
  • Prof. Ana Kotevska Republic of North Macedonia)
  • Dr. Vesela Radovic (Serbia)
  • Prof. Aleksandra Nikolic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Dr. Muhammet Berigel (Türkiye)
  • Ms. Anna Csongor (Hungary)

You can collaborate doing this Newsletter

If you have any information about Conferences, Events, Publications, Website, Researchers, and more about our topic, send us an email with the details and we will publish in the next newsletter.
