Webinar Call – June & July 2020

With the recent COVID-19 outburst, COST Actions have become seriously limited in promoting the involvement of stakeholders, whether they are other researchers and scholars, policy-makers, representatives of public services or NGO’s.

In the case of CA 18213, this is a very demanding situation. The Memorandum of Understanding accepted by all members proposes a total of 90 events dedicated to stakeholders involvement across the different member countries. Therefore, there’s a need to speed up this process, in order to reach to a greater audience and engagement, as well as to keep up with the goals we are all committed with, as signing members of the Memorandum of Understanding.

In addition, CA 18213 is also limited in its ability to offer an adequate context for improving the conceptual discussions around topics such as rurality or who are (or should be considered) NEETs. These needs were flagged in the Action second meeting, in Málaga and the Core Group intends to fully endorse them.

Finally, the Action website is already available and needs substantial investment to make it visible and useful for the network and the community at large, in order to prepare it as a platform for the online observatory of rural NEETs.

In face of this, CA 18213 Core Group agreed to open a call for an online training and stakeholders involvement program.


The activities can be presented in three different categories.

  1. National stakeholders involvement webinars: These are webinars promoted by CA 18213 members. The webinars are aimed at stakeholders at the national level, whether they are decision-makers, top or intermediate managers of public services or NGO’s and/or professionals.
  2. Online meeting point: The online meeting point is a series of webinars organized and delivered by CA 18213 members and other scholars and professionals. They can be attended by CA 18213 members, fellow colleagues, scholars and stakeholders outside the Action. Proposals from Early Research Investigators (ECI) and members from Inclusiveness Target Countries are particularly welcomed and encouraged.
  3. Premium lectures & discussions: The premium lectures & discussions are webinars organized by the Core Group and delivered by an invited keynote speaker. They can be attended by CA 18213 members, fellow colleagues, scholars and stakeholders outside the Action.

