NEET youth situation in Latvia – different angles (7th October 2021)

Event Date: 7th October 2021 Thursday

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Location: Balvi, Balvu Sakrālās kultūras centrs (

The aim of conference- to get acquainted with various general statistical data of Latvia, research and work experience of various institutions with NEET youth in the development of social support and educational programs, creating a panel discussion on possible future solutions

Introduction to COST Action CA18213 (Guna Svence, Dr.psych.professor, Official representative of COST CA18213 in Latvia University of Latvia)

Social and emotional health indicators of urban and rural youth in the Latvian sample (Ieva Pakse, Guna Svence University of Latvia)

NEET Youth and employment opportunities in region (Balvi Sandra Kindzule Latvia Ministry of welfare, Departament of Employment in Balvi)

10.40- 10.55
National figures about Youth in statistics of Latvia (Sigita Šulca National Departament of Statistics of Latvia)

10.55 – 11.10
NEET youth Education and nonformal education and mobility development opportunities in Balvi Children and Youth center (Gunita Prokofjeva Balvi Children and Youth Center, youth affairs specialist)

11.10 – 11.25
Prevention and training work with deviant cases NEET youth in Balvi region (Kristīne Novika, Social worker of Balvi municipality, for work with families and children)

11.25 – 12.00
Psychological support for NEET youth in Balvi region: cases analyses and experience (Skaidrīte Krakope Psychologist of the Social Service of Balvi municipality)

12.00 – 12.20
Panel discussion 1st part (Guna Svence / Ieva Pakse)

12.20 – 12.50 Coffee break

12.50 – 13:05
Social integration for NEET Youth. Story of experience of center (Edijs Klaišis, Director of OPEN creative center in Riga)

13.05 – 13.20
Work experience with mobility possibilities for Youth with special needs and mental disabilities youth (Jānis Broks Director and social worker of Bērnu Oāze (social support Care center for persons with mental problems))

13.20 – 13.45
Working with young people who have broken the law – existing risks and resources (Iveta Adamsone, Researcher, trainer from State Probation Service)

13.45 – 14.10 Break

14.10 – 14.25
Can problem-solving and self-management skills help young people at risk: what was the situation during the pandemic and what comes next? (Liene Hačatrjana PhD.psych.2019 Researcher from University of Latvia)

A study in Latvia on the risk factors of the lowest level of skills and knowledge of adolescents and young people (Aleksandrs Vorobjovs PhD.educ. 2021 Director of RTU Technical high school, researcher)

14.40-15.10 Coffee break

15.10- 17.00
Panel discussion 2nd part (Guna Svence / Liene Hačatrjana)

Conclusion and recommendations (Guna Svence / Aleksandrs Vorobjovs)

Target audience: Social workers, teachers, researchers, youth workers, NGOs, policy makers.

Organizer: Guna Svence (

More info coming soon
