Youth in The Azores islands: Opportunities and challenges for the next decade (2th October 2021)

Event Date: 2th October 2021 Saturday

Download the meeting program – Youth in The Azores islands


Location: Congress Center of Angra do Heroísmo

9.30 | Opening session

Regional Secretary of Education
Regional Secretary of Youth, Employment and Qualification
Mayor of the city of Praia da Vitória
President of the Azorian Institute of Culture

10.00-11.00 | Panel 1 – Education and Employment: Paths taken, roads to discover by the Azorian youths

Moderator: Marta Silva (RTP-Açores – National Public Television)
Francisco Simões (Cis-Iscte) – Education in The Azores Islands: Trends and upcoming challenges
Renato Carmo (Cies-Iscte) – Youth employment policies and instruments
(Debate – 10 minutes)

11.00-11.20 – Coffee-break

11.20-12.30 | Panel 2 – For the future of autonomy: Where do we want to be ten years from now?

Moderator: Andreia Fernandes (Azorian Institute of Culture)
Invited speaker: Miguel Monjardino (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)

12.30-14.00 | Lunch

14.00-15.15 | Painel 3 –  Political and civic participation in peripheric regions: What is the role expected for the generations to come?

Moderator: Armando Mendes (Director of the newspaper Diário Insular)
Invited Speaker: Pedro Adão e Silva (Cies-Iscte)

15.15-15.30 – Coffee-break

15.30-16.30 | Panel 4 – Youth mobilities: Why leave? Why staying? Why returning? 

Moderator: Eduarda Mendes (Regional Public Television)
Carlos Mateus (ex-president of  JAUPA – Jovens Unidos pelos Açores)
David Vicente (film director awarded in Cannes Festival)
Pepe Brix (National Geographic photographer)
Vanessa Canto (ballet dancer, teacher)

16.30- Conclusions 

17.00 – Presentation of the latest number of the Atlântida magazine

Target audience: Social workers, teachers, researchers, youth workers, NGOs, policy makers.


More info coming soon
