Our COST Action CA18213 will participate as speaker in the next Track-IN kick-off conference

Tr@ck-IN project kick-off conference:
Rural NEETs transition to the labour market: The role of Public Employment Services

ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Cidade Universitária de Lisboa – Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal 

Our colleagues from the EEA Grant Project “Track-IN: Public employment services tracking effectiness supporting rural NEETs” will participate have their first Kick-off conference next 4 and 5 of April 2022 in Lisbon. Our Action will participate in this conference as a expert in one of the sessions.

Please, find here the official website in https://www.track-in.eu/lisbon2022.html and the Registration form, both for online and face-to-face attendance.

See you in Lisbon next Apri 2022l!!
