Our official website has arrive!
We hope that you are well and safe at your homes and places of work. We are all waiting for everything to pass and better times to come. And we are sure that they will come very soon.

Today our Official website has arrive! It will be our central tool to comunicate and disseminate our COST Action.
The content will grow day by day with you contributions, work and collaboration with other researchers. More sections will come like Members profile, Working groups reports, Graphs, past and next meetings information, and more!

We have developed a Private website with content only available for members. You will recieve, in the next days, your credentials to see all the content and tools only for members.

You ask you to collaborate with the website in 2 ways:
– Send your contact and colleagues, in your own language, the announcement of the new website and spread the word in Social Networks.
– You can send suggestions of improvement and content to improve our webste. Please, use this form to send your comments.

And we are so excited to announce more events, calls and content in the coming days! Stay tune to the newsletter that we will send very soon.

Stay safe at home and keeping working in your research!
