MC Newsletter – September 2020
The MC Newsletter is our internal tool to summarize the relevant tasks, events and more that we have done and we will do in the near future.
You will find extend info about all our action in the website, but now you can participate and stay tune of the most relevant and “should know” events in this Volume. Welcome again to our MC newsletter!

COST CA18213: Challenges and solutions for the upcoming months

Dear all,
Our Action is about to complete one year, in October. In hasn’t been an easy one. With the on-going pandemic, our ability to meet and improve ways of collaboration has been seriously compromised. Moreover, the commitment of stakeholders with our goals is also being challenged by the restrictions associated to the COVID-19.
To manage our Action under these circumstances, the Action Core Group tried to follow a central, key principle: adaptation. Faced with the impossibility to meet on a regularly basis, Working Groups have moved to online meetings and webinars, in order to ensure that the first year deliverables will be ready in December. We also started to work in parallel initiatives, to make sure the Action members could interact, while widening the Action’s audience. For instance, we organized the Summer 2020 Webinar Program, running 11 webinars in five weeks, in June and July. The initiative had a relevant impact, involving many participants outside the Action (please, check the numbers provided in this newsletter). We also conducted an international survey on the impact of COVID-19 on NEETs which is still going on.

Unfortunately, during the next Grant Period, our Action will be pressured to adapt even further. The conditions for international physical meetings will not improve in the upcoming months, meaning that we will have to be creative in order to find ways to make a proper use of our budget. Online meetings and conferences will certainly be the rule. But new ways of collaboration, through publications and training will also be considered. This means that from October, we expect to have several parallel calls open to participation for publishing opportunities, training and grants for local (national) events.

Under these very uncertain circumstances, we are doing our best to deliver the best networking and collaboration opportunities we can to all members. We expect you to be involved and to adapt to these demanding conditions as well. With a strong, collective effort, we will for sure achieve our goals.

Best regards
Francisco Simões & Gabriela Neagu
(Chair and Vice-Chair of the Rural NEET Youth Network)

Important: complete the tasks of the Action
We remind you the current task to be complete
Both Working Groups are now at full capacity to complete the tasks of this first year in the established time and to deliver on time the deliverables that are scheduled for the next few months.
Help your Working Groups leaders so that everything goes on time and you can participate actively in our action. As forms of communication we have the forums on the website and the emails you are receiving with the tasks to be carried out.
Some of the emails contain relevant information about the tasks to be carried out and with a limited time for completion, so you should be vigilant and read them as soon as possible. Remember to also answer the questions and tasks assigned so that the whole group can work and coordinate properly.
If for whatever reason you cannot participate in a task on time, let your group leader know so that they can reassign the tasks and everything works in a coordinated way.
