Call for Papers | Special Issue: “Lessons on Building more Sustainable Rural Societies: Youth and Mobility”

Call for Papers:  Sustainability Journal Special Issue: “Lessons on Building more Sustainable Rural Societies: Youth and Mobility”

Call for Papers:  Sustainability Journal Special Issue: “Lessons on Building more Sustainable Rural Societies: Youth and Mobility”

 Submit your abstract here

– Abstract no later than the 15th of May 2021 (EXTENDED)
– Full article no later than the 15th of June 2021 (EXTENDED)
– Expected publication by 31st of August 2021

According to our Annual Thematic Plan, we have the opportunity to fund Article Processing Charge of up to 8 articles for the Special Issue “Lessons on Building more Sustainable Rural Societies: Youth and Mobility” to be published in Sustainability Journal (Q2 both in 2019 Journal Citation Reports and SCOPUS impact indexes).

In this Special Issue, we encourage researchers to submit theoretical, methodological and empirical articles on topics related such as:

  • How youth outgoing migration affects aging and sustainability in rural areas;
  • Nor in Employment not in Education Rural Youth;
  • How youth internal migration contributes to rural sustainability;
  • What type of policies or practices help youth to stay in rural areas;
  • How youth migrants and asylum seekers are settled and what challenges they face;
  • Transportation and commuting strategies and challenges for rural areas that are relevant for youth inclusion and sustainability;
  • How constrained transportation options could lead to transportation disadvantage and social exclusion in rural areas;
  • Limited accessibility in rural areas and its impact on youth everyday lives.

The scope of this Special Issue is to provide a platform for researchers to share their research work on the field of youth mobility and rurality including aspects of migrations, transportation, commuting, rural development, social exclusion and inclusion.

In order to COST and RNYN to be able to fully reimburse Article Processing Charges (CHF 1900 or approx. €1759), manuscript proposals will be selected by the Guest editors of the Special Issue based on the basis of the fulfilment (and the degree of fulfilment) of the following 4 criteria:

  1. Accepted articles including authors of RNYN from at least three COST Member Countries.
    Below check some examples of works that would be (not) admissible for this call, under the COST rules for publication:
    + One paper with three authors from three different countries (e.g. Spain, Portugal and Italy) – one of the authors is not a member of the Action – admissible – the criteria is membership of the country to the Action and not being a member of the Action.
    + One paper with three authors from three different countries (e.g. Spain, Portugal and Finland) – one of the authors is not from a member country of the Action – not admissible – Finland is not part of RNYN.
  2. Accepted manuscripts must be related to the topic of this specific call.
  3. Contributions should be considered relevant to RNYN’s Scope/Approach and be an original theoretical, methodological or empirical contribution to the field not being considered for publication elsewhere or already published.
  4. Accepted articles having at least 50% of the authors from ITC countries (as defined by COST) and/or by Early Career Investigators will be prioritized in the selection for funding.

All proposals received under this call will be classified by the editors of this special issue in three categories after receiving the editorial decision on publication:

A) Accepted articles for publication to be funded 100% under the RNYN COST action.
B) Accepted articles for publication to which authors fund APC with their own resources.
C) Non-accepted articles.

All articles will be reviewed by anonymous reviewers selected by the journal. Articles must be written in academic UK English and reviewed by professional editors. As you know, there is some budget in the COST action to cover professional language editing.


  1. To Inform all RNYN Consortium members.
  2. To submit of a short proposal/description of the article thus Guest Editors be able to evaluate the fit of the article in the special issue by this link: Deadline: 15th of May 2021 (EXTENDED).
  3. Editors will classify proposals in two categories: those that comply with the criteria of the COST programme that have a chance to be 100% funded if they are accepted for publication and those that do not. Then, authors will be recommended in a couple of days to send their full articles for peer reviewed evaluation through the Sustainability Journal online platform if their contribution matches with the topic of the special issue.
  4. To receive full article submissions from authors through the platform. Deadline: 15th of June 2021 (EXTENDED)
  5. To inform the authors about the acceptance/rejection of their articles and which ones will be funded under the RNYN COST action for the Special Issue “Lessons on Building more Sustainable Rural Societies: Youth and Mobility” in Sustainability Journal. Expected: 31st August 2021.

For any queries, please contact:
Dr Òscar Prieto Flores, University of Girona, School of Education and Psychology (
Dr Slaven Gasparovic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography (


COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks.
Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Official COST Web: CA18213