Collaborative publication [CLOSED]

Call for Collaborative publication [CLOSED]

Final application deadline: July 15th 2022
** IMPORTANT NOTE: All the submissions should be for paper that are already accepted in final revision for publication or already published.

Call Collaborative Publication Winter 2022

Form to send the propposal

As part of the third grant period of COST Action 18213 – Rural NEET Youth Network (RNYN), a call is open for supporting Action members in advancing their publication collaborative efforts.

For reasons associated with effective spending during the grant period only peer-reviewed articles are admissible under this call. For that reason, priority is given to submitted papers, but papers still to be submitted are admissible.

For papers still to be submitted, journals with a fast-track peer-review process are recommended, to make sure the publication is out before the 31st of October 2022 (end of the third grant period).

The maximum awarded funding per paper is 3.000 euros.

The call includes two types of support:

  1. Open-access licenses;
  2. Publication fees.

When submitting their proposal, the authors may request support for more than one type of support (for instance, they may request funds for publications fees and open-access licenses).

Important note: in order to be funded, the publication must comply with COST rules for funding publications, meaning that the work must be authored by authors from at least three different  COTS FULL/Cooperating countires and Partner Member countreis (or 2 COST FULL/ Cooperating countires and Partner Member countreis and 1 Near Neighbour Country (NNC). Also, the publication would be admissible for this call if the work be authored by authors from 2 COST FULL/Cooprating countires and Partner Member countreis if resulting from the STSM funded by the Action.

Journals must also be according to COST publication ranks rules (at least Q3 in Scimago).

Please check COST publications regulations under COST Vademecum, Section 11.3 and 11.4 Scientific Publications:

For more information about COST countries, plesase check the following link:

Meanwhile, COST have changed some rules, so information has been drawn from here:

You are strongly reccomended to consult it for more detailed information.


The proposals must be submitted no later than the 15th of July 2022.

Evaluation procedure

The submitted works will be assessed by a jury of 3 members of the Action who will not be involved in the authorship of any submitted paper. The jury will be composed  of the following three Action members:

  • Member 1 (Coordinator): Antonella Rocca (ITA)
  • Member 2: Frida Jonsson (SWE)
  • Member 3: Vicent Querol (SPA)

Assessment Criteria

The Action will focus on high-quality standards and the dissemination potential of each work, based on the following criteria:

Scientific relevance criteria (up to 75 points)

  1. The article is going to be submitted to a relevant international outlet according to Scimago (35 points in case it is ranked as Q1 and 25 points in case it is ranked as a Q2, 15 if it is ranked Q3);
  2. The article results from the collaborative activities in the WGs and constitutes one of the Action’s deliverables (15 points);
  3. The article focuses on one of the following relevant themes for the Action: NEETs conceptualization and typologies; mobility and rural youth; formal education in rural areas; informal education in rural areas; informal support in rural areas; youth (un)employment in rural areas; rural development/agriculture and youth employment (15 points):
  4. The article is already submitted and is under review (10 points).

Additional criteria (up to 25 points)

  1. The list of authors includes at least one author affiliated with an institution based on an ITC country (+ 15 points in case of two or more authors are from an ITC country; + 7.5 points in case of one author is from an ITC country);
  2. The list of authors includes an Early Career Investigator (PhD completed 8 years ago or less) or a Ph Students (+ 10 points for two or more ECI/PhD students as authors; + 5 points for one ECI/ PhD student as author).

The proposal must reach at least 50 points to be accepted for publication.

Procedure and Timeline

  1. Proposals are submitted using the following form by one of the authors;
  2. The submitted proposal generates an email alert to the president of the jury;
  3. The jury assesses the proposal within 5 consecutive days, based on the presented criteria;
  4. The decision is then communicated to the author by the president of the jury.

Final dispositions

The call will be closed if the maximum budget approved for this call by the MC is reached (6.000,00 Euros).

All papers supported by this call have to declare their funding in the acknowledgment section as it follows:

This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18213 Rural NEET Youth Network, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

Final remark: Please note that the COST Association and Action’s Grant holder can request additional information to substantiate the information contained within the documents submitted by proponents.

Useful link:

All papers supported by this call have to declare their funding in the acknowledgment section as it follows: This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18213 Rural NEET Youth Network, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

Form to send the propposal


COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks.
Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Official COST Web: CA18213