Lisbon Conference 2021 | Program

International Online Conference | 27-28 January 2021

Education: What’s next? Formal education & training and the transition from school to work in rural areas

Hosted by Lisbon, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Portugal)

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27th of January 2021

All schedule in Lisbon time (CET minus 1h)

9.30-10.15 | Opening session & welcoming note from Cost Action 18213

Format: institutional session

• Maria das Dores Guerreiro (ISCTE-IUL vice-rector for internationalization)
• João Costa (Secretary of State Assistant and of Education of Portugal)
• Maria Emília Brederode dos Santos (President of the Portuguese National Council of Education)
• Eunice Magalhães (Vice-Director of CIS-IUL)

• Francisco Simões (Rural NEET Youth Network Chair; ISCTE-IUL, Portugal)
(about 10 minutes each)

10.15-11.00 | COST Action Panel: Rural NEETs, education and training: An overview

Moderator: Maria Manuel Vieira (ICS, University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Format: three presentations – 15 minutes each (WG presentations focused on highlights from Month 12 deliverables+15 minutes of discussion by critical friend+15 minutes discussion)

  • WG 1 presentation: Rural NEETs and the role of formal education Alena Minns (Independent researcher – Slovakia) & Daniela Mamucevska (Faculty of Economics, Skopje, North Macedonia)
  • WG 2 presentation: Best-practices across Southern and Eastern Europe: What do we know thus far – Claudia Petrescu (The Research Institute for Quality of Life – Romania) & Emre Erdogan (Istanbul Bilgi University – Turkey)
  • Critical friend notes: Sofia Marques da Silva (FPCEUP- Portugal)

11.00-11.20 | Break

11.20-12.30 | Parallel sessions 1 

 Moderators: members of the scientific and organizing team; COST Action members.

Up to three simultaneous sessions with three 15 minutes presentations each and 15 minutes general discussion. One more morning of parallel sessions will be added, if needed.

Download Parallel Sesions Lisbon 2021 Program

12.30-14.00 – Lunch break

14.00-15.00 | How can rural education and training systems address rural youths challenges? Invited keynote speakers

Moderator: Ricardo Rodrigues (CIS-ISCTE – Portugal)

Format: 25 minutes traditional oral presentation by each speaker+20 minutes for general discussion

  • Keynote speaker 1: Ingrid Schoon (University College of London, UK)
  • Keynote speaker 2: Michael Corbett (Acadia University, Canada)

15.00-16.00 | Parallel sessions 2

Moderators: members of the scientific and organizing team; COST Action members.

Download Parallel Sesions Lisbon 2021 Program

15.00-16.00 | Round-table: Rural education & training in Portugal: Promising policies, innovative experiences, mobilizing goals*

Moderator: Francisco Simões (Chair of RNYN; CIS-ISCTE – Portugal)

Format: Participated discussion

  • ANQEP representative – Francisca Simões;
  • Conselho Nacional da Educação representative – Pedro Lourtie;
  • Director of Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória – Domingos Borges

*Session to be held in Portuguese

16.00-16.15 | Break

16.15-17.00 | Rural education & training: Pathways to be taken and concluding remarks

Informal talk: Round-tables moderators; organizing team members.

  • Francisco Simões (Rural NEET Youth Network Chair, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal)
  • Maria Manuel Vieira (ICS, University of Lisbon, Portugal)
  • Ricardo Rodrigues (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal)



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