Manual for the Methodological Best-Practices in Research Dedicated to Rural NEETs

Manual for the Methodological Best-Practices in Research Dedicated to Rural NEETs

ISBN: 978-989-781-613-0

  • Emre Erdoğan –
    İstanbul Bilgi University – Turkey
  • Pınar Uyan – Semerci,
    İstanbul Bilgi University – Turkey
  • Claudia Petrescu –
    Romanian Academy – Research Institute for Quality of Life – Romania
  • Paul Flynn –
    School of Education – National University of Ireland Galway – Ireland
  • Štefan Bojnec –
    University of Primorska – Faculty of Management – Slovenia
  • Maria Fernandes-Jesus –
    School of Education – Language and Psychology – York St John University – United Kingdom
  • Frida Jonsson –
    Umeå University | UMU – Department of Epidemiology and Global Health – Sweden

This manual is one of the most difficult tasks to be completed under this action. Our objective was stated as to build a manual for evaluating research about the rural NEETs and for presenting best practices. We also targeted to form a guideline to be used in designing our research studies. As the research about the NEETs and especially rural NEETs has a multidisciplinary characteristic, the practice of the research is methodology heterodox. Hence, our task was to construct a guideline to compare “apples and oranges”, we hope we succeeded on it. The task is a product of the collective effort of many members of the Action. Pınar Uyan-Semerci, Francisco Simoes and Claudia Petrescu contributed to the composition of this manual. Paul Flynn, Stefan Bojnec, Maria Fernandes-Jesus, Frida Jonsson, Selman Gültekin helped us to form the final version with their comments. This manual is an unfinished task, it will be enriched when it will be used in the craftmanship of research in the field.

Emre Erdoğan
February 2022


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