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COST CA18213: Rural NEET Youth

Jovens NEET nos Açores em debate na ilha Terceira


Francisco Simões talks about COST Action 18213 about Rural NEET Youth Network

Francisco Simões talks in Cooperative City in Quarantine #8 EDUCATION

What is the impact on the long terms of e-learning on education and schooling, how can we ensure that is will be a basic right for all?

Webinar Session: “Rurality: Meaning and defining dimensions”

24.June.2020 – 15:00h CET | PREMIUM SESSION: Aleksandar Lukic (University of Zagreb, CRO): Rurality is a growingly complex definition. Sometimes, it is also seen as negative social category. This webinar will explore different meanings of rurality, based on criteria such as population, landscape, economic activities and other.

Webinar Session: “NEETs: Profiles and typologies”

29.June.2020 – 15:00h CET | PREMIUM SESSION: Massimiliano Mascherini (Head of Social Affairs Unit, Eurofound): Youths not in Employment, nor in Education and Training (NEET) is a very heterogenous group. Some distinctions have been made between subgroups, based on age subclasses or on unemployment/inactivity status. For the past decade, Eurofound has worked to capture more specific types of NEETs and how they may differ across sex, age groups or degree of urbanization.

Webinar Session: “Good practices to reconnect young rural NEETs: public policies versus local responses”

02.July.2020 – 15:00h CET | ONLINE MEETING POINT: Maria Manuel Vieira (Permanent Youth Observatory – ICS, University of Lisbon), Tatiana Ferreira (Permanent Youth Observatory – ICS, University of Lisbon), Lia Pappámikail (Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (ESE/IPSantarém): Based on the results of two research projects, one focusing on the implementation of the European
Youth Guarantee program in Portugal and the other a case study at the local level with young rural NEETs, we intend to discuss and reflect on the potential and limits of these two types of intervention aimed at reconnect young people in NEET situations with institutions – educational, training and for employability.

Webinar Session: “NEET youths profile in The Azores: What do we know so far?”

6.July.2020 – 15:00h CET | National stakeholders involvement webinars: Francisco Simões (CIS; ISCTE-IUL): This webinar aims at synthesizing the current knowledge about NEETs in The Azores Islands. To do so, the session will start by an analysis of the evolution of NEETs in Europe, Portugal and The Azores, for the past 10 years. Afterwards, three studies that were undertaken in Region will be summarized. These studies will focus on NEETs profile, lower qualified NEETs professional expectations and also on their perceptions about dominant sectors in rural areas, namely agriculture. The webinar will involve about 10 professionals and intermediate leaders of The Azores Islands employment public services that work directly with NEETs, in the context of the Youth Guarantee program. The session will be held in English and will include a brief presentation, group discussions and a Q&A session.

COST Conversation with Dr Francisco Simões

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COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks.
Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Official COST Web: CA18213 https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18213/