Brussels Conference 2024 – Scientific Commitee

(By surname alphabetic order)
Leonor Bettencourt
Daniela Bojadjieva
Štefan Bojnec
Adriano Mauro Ellena
Emre Erdogan
Maria Fernandes-Jesus
Tatiana Ferreira
Paul Flynn
Slaven Gasparovic
Liena Hacatrjana
Luziana Hoxha
Frida Jonsson
Kerli Koiv
Vladislava Lendzhova
Elena Marta
Alen Mujcinovic
Heidi Paabort
Claudia Petrescu
Federica Pizzolante
Òscar Prieto-Flores
Antonella Rocca
Francisco Simões
Mariano Soler-Porta
Leonardo Sousa


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