
Newsletter (March 2020)

Welcome to our First MC Newsletter
The MC Newsletter is our internal tool to summarize the relevant tasks, events and more that we have done and we will do in the near future.
You will find extend info about all our action in the website very soon, but now you can participate and stay tune of the most relevant and “should know” events in this Volume. Welcome to our first ever MC newsletter!



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External Newsletter – Spread The Word

We will lunch a external newsletter
Spread the word!!

We are working in the dissemination plan and, as we talked in Malaga, one of the tools will be the external newsletter. We will send a quartely newletter with a summary of our work.
Now is your time to spread the word!!
Tell your colleagues, organizatios, institutions and even your family and friends to sign up to our newletter.
Send them the link below and tell, in your own your word and language, what we will do about the Rural NEET youth across europe and all over the world.


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Thank You For Your Work In Malaga

Thank you for your good work in Málaga meeting.

We have a nice time in our meeting in Málaga but also we make a very good work for our action. All the members have worked in a coordinated way and  have reach our goals for this meeting.
We will prepare a private website with the content of this meeting and we will send you the link soon.
See you again in the next meeting!!


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Kick off event of the Action

Kick off event of the Action on 14th October 2019 in Brussels

Rural NEETs’ Youth Network (RNYN) is a running four-year COST Action that kicked-off on the 14th of October of 2019. The network aims at developing a model of comprehension for rural youths not in education, nor in employment or training (NEET). This model is supposed to unfold social exclusion risk and protective factors associated to this group. According to the EUROSTAT, NEETs are more prevalent in rural regions, compared urban and suburban areas, especially in Southern and Eastern European countries. Thus, this situation represents a threat, but also an opportunity for rural development.



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COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks.
Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Official COST Web: CA18213