WG5 | Metamodel of risks and protective factors for rural NEETs

WG5: Metamodel of risks and protective factors for rural NEETs

Leader: Francisco Simões (POR)

Vice-leader: Emre Erdogan (TUR)

This WG is a scientific management platform of the Action responsible for aggregating the different contributions stemming from all WGs, that involves the Chair, the Vice-Chair (WGs leader and vice-leader) as well as all WGs leaders. Their aims are: (a) to monitor and support WGs on the on-going tasks; (b) to make sure the WGs contributions are aggregated in a coherent model of rural NEETs social inclusion, according to the meta-model of reference of the Action, the bioecological model; and (c) to prepare and manage the final deliverable of the Action – a book collecting chapters from all WGs.

Keywords: scientific management; monitoring; bioecological model.



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