WG2 | Rural NEETs and formal and non-formal education

WG 2 | Rural NEETs and formal and non-formal education

Leader: Paul Flynn (IRL)

Vice-leader: Heidi Paabort (EST)

WG2 focuses on the role of formal and non-formal education in preventing rural youth to become (and remain) in the NEET condition in the process of school-to-work transition. Some of the key topics to be addressed here are: (a) rural education infrastructure and human resources to address school to work transition; (b) mapping non-formal education aimed at vulnerable young people in rural areas, in terms of existing infrastructures, types of organization and types of interventions; (c) the role of VET in preventing Early School Leaving from Education and Training (ESLET) in rural areas (including best-practices than can be delivered as case studies); or (d) analyzing how available curricula address local resources and young people’s needs.

Keywords: Formal education; non-formal education; school-to-work transition; early school leaving; school attainment; training; curricula.



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